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I do NOT read cards - I read YOU - your energy via a current photo - you can be anywhere on the planet  as long as you speak English - this energy transcends time and place 

Single person email reading is NZD $80 email 


I tune into your energy via your photo to make the connection with your guides/energy - I then open to whatever comes through - from the deepest part of you - your spirit brings up what it feels you need to know in this moment - this is the first part 

Readings are in as many parts as needed - after I  have made the connection  you get to direct the energy into any area of  your life by asking questions - here we get to go into the nitty gritty of things - deeper within self 

these readings can at times be like a spiritual counselling session - when you feel completed all the emails are put into a bound PDF document for you to look back on over time 


I am available for Face to face readings if you live in Nelson - New Zealand  $100

I am available for Face to face readings if you live in Nelson - New Zealand  $100

I do not read tarot or angel cards - I simply read you 

working with the light since 1987

Clairvoyant - Seer - Psychic - Intuitive - Medium - Wise Woman - Spiritual Coach  

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